Basic Request Reply

This is as simple as it gets. We have a Server that does some request-reply work in a dedicated thread. We have a Client that sends a "ping" and gets a "pong" back. There is no attempt at security and no attempt at error handling. For a INPROC server, that might be enough.

use libzmq::{prelude::*, *};

use std::thread;

fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    let addr: InprocAddr = InprocAddr::new_unique();

    let server = ServerBuilder::new().bind(&addr).build()?;

    // Spawn the server thread.
    let handle = thread::spawn(move || -> Result<(), Error> {
        loop {
            let request = server.recv_msg()?;
            assert_eq!(request.to_str(), Ok("ping"));

            // Retrieve the routing_id to route the reply to the client.
            let id = request.routing_id().unwrap();
            // We cast the Error<Msg> to Error<()>. This drops the Msg.
            server.route("pong", id).map_err(Error::cast)?;

    let client = ClientBuilder::new().connect(addr).build()?;

    // Do some request-reply work.
    let msg = client.recv_msg()?;
    assert_eq!(msg.to_str(), Ok("pong"));

    // This will cause the server to fail with `InvalidCtx`.

    // Join with the thread.
    let err = handle.join().unwrap().unwrap_err();
    assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::InvalidCtx);


mod tests {
    use super::main;

    fn main_runs() {